Tagged: Jamaica


Calabash Literary Arts Festival 2016

Calabash 2016 Calabash literary arts festival held biennially in Calabash Bay, Treasure beach, Jamaica. The festival is staged on the property of the Jake’s Resort, which is owned and managed by the Henzell family. According to their website:  “The Calabash International Literary Festival was founded in 2001 by three Jamaicans...


Blue Ridge Restaurant

Blue Ridge Restaurant I had seen a feature in the newspaper on the Blue Ridge Restaurant and decided at that time that I wanted to check it out. The Restaurant is situated on a family coffee farm at Salt Hill, near Mavis Bank. The property also features guest cottages run by...


Le Dîner en Blanc Kingston 2016

What is Dîner en Blanc? The Dîner en Blanc concept began in Paris in 1988 when Frenchman François Pasquier invited a group of friends to an elegant outdoor dinner at Bois de Boulogne, asking them to dress in white so they could find each other.[1]The event’s presence has grown to nearly 60 cities...

Rafting on the Rio Grande 1

Rafting on the Rio Grande

Rafting on the Rio Grande is one of the activities that Portland, Jamaica is famous for. I have seen where persons confuse it with a white water rafting type of activity. It is quite the opposite; you take a leisurely, nearly 8- mile ride down river on handmade bamboo rafts....