Category: France

Bordeaux Update 4! 9

Bordeaux Update 4!

The other evening I went with my class mates to the “official” opening of this little bar that we’d been frequenting on the campus(on the campus yes, but I usually  take the tram to get there.) It was pretty nice at first. They had a live band; a reggae band...

Group Pic! 5

Bordeaux Update 3!

One Friday night, we had plans to go to a jazz concert. Unfortunately, the tickets were sold out that night, so I joined most of the rest of my classmates for a night out on the town. We ended up and this Cuban bar called Calle Ocho. It was a...


Bordeaux update 2!

Another update!! I strongly suspect however that I will not be able to keep up with this weekly rate. My time-table and work-load will probably see to that. A lot happened this week though, so I had to share J. Brace yourselves; this might be a bit long. Well firstly, on...


Bordeaux update 1!

So I guess an update is long overdue, people have been hounding me for info. Sorry for the delay guys, but I just really haven’t had the time so far, but now… The flight was quite fine. Long, but fine. I slept for most of it and also watched a...